Strange Newes from Scotland Anonymous Created as an assignment for Literature and Digital Diversity, Northeastern University, Spring 2021. Strange newes from Scotland, or, A Strange relation of a terrible and prodigious monster, borne to the amazement of all those that were spectators, in the kingdome of Scotland, in a village neere Edenborough, call'd Hadensworth, Septem. 14. 1647. and the words the said monster spake at its birth. E.P. London 1647 Transcribed from a facsimile in Early English Books Online. Strange Newes from Scotland or, A strange Relation of a terrible and prodigious Monster, borne to the amazement of all those that were spectators, in the Kingdome of Scotland, in a Village neere Edenborough, call'd Hadensworth, Septem. 14 1647 and the word the said Monster spake at its birth. A framed drawing of the monster described in the text standing on a patch of grass. The being has two heads, one appearing to be female with long hair and pronounced eyelids, the other appearing to be male with little hair. Both heads have long ears. The necks of each head come down to a circular torso that features two nipples and a bellybutton. The being has two arms, both with five claws or talons on each hand. The pelvic area of the being appears to be covered in long locks of hair. The being has two legs, each with one cloven hoof at the bottom an human arms protruding from each kneecap. Printed according the Originall Relation sent over to a great Divine hereafter mentioned. Strange Newes from Scotland In Hadensworth, neere Edendorough, (for so the Village was called) as it was certified by the Minister of the Pa- rish, (a man of gravi- tie, and good estimati- on amongst his neigh- bours, and of good repute generally; as also by the Church-wardens of the same Pa- rish, and other people of good qualitie and esteeme, and the Relation sent hither to a friend of his, on M. Obadiah Slingsby, a pious and a painfull Minister of Gods Word) was borne a Child, or rather a Monster, (I think Lerna nor Egyptian Nyle ever produced the like) with two heads growing severally, somewhat distant one from the other, bearing the similitude of man and woman, the one face being all over-grown with long haire, the other more smooth & more effeminate, the eares of both long, (like as the Poets fancy Mydas his eares, who was Judge between Pan and Apollo) standing bolt upright, in shape and length much like unto an Asses; the Eyes standing in the middest of the Fore-head (they having but one a piece) cannot unfitly bee paralelled with that horned Monster Polyphemus (spoken of by Homer, which Ulysses exitinguisht the sight of, by thrusting a Fire-brand into the Eye), they being bigge and round, like unto Saw- cers: His Body shap'd or rather having no shape round like the truncke of a Tree or Barrell: The Neckes to support this horned structure (I meane the Heads) were strong, sinewie and short, like to a stong neckt Bull: The Armes had their growthes from severall places; being of great dimensions, but very small, having annexed to their wrists great Tallons, like to a Griffins. From the Se- cret parts (which shewed it to bee both Male and Female) downewards, all hairie, like your Satyres, of Sylvane Gods: The Legges long and cloven, like an Oxes Foot, and out of the knees, or upper part of the legges, bracht out hands, shap'd and co- loured like a Monkeyes: In short, all the parts about it were monstrous and ill-shapen; insomuch, that it strooke into a quaking ter- rour all those that were eye-witnesses of this horned production, some betaking themselves to their prayers; others, that wanted faith and confidence to pray, to flight, and the rest standing amazed, as if they had beholden Gorgon (a Monster that had this propertie an- nexed to her, that whosoever chanced to cast his eye upon her, was suddenly metamorpho- sed into a stone). At the birth of this Monster, Nature seem- ed to bee disquieted and troubled; insomuch, that the Heavens proclaimed its entrance into the World with a lowd peale of Thun- der, seconded with such frequent flashes of Lightning, that it was credibly beleeved of all (whose fences were not ravished from them with the sudden apprehenstion of feare) that the latter day was now come upon them; in the height of which confused noyse, the Monster with a hoarse, but lowd voyce) was heard to speak these words, being ever after silent, I am thus deformed for the sinnes of my Parents. The Mother, what with the extremitie of the paine and horrour of the sight, after some few ex- pressions, gave up the Ghost; the words shee used before breath left her body, were these, Good people (says shee) pray for mee as I shall doe for my selfe; this Judgement is quellion- lesse fallen upon mee for my sinnes, which are many and grievous, for I have often wisht this or some such like judgement might befall me, (which might not onely be a terror to my selfe, but all other that should behold it) rather than any Child borne of my Body should receive those Christian Rites which by the Lawes and ancient Customes of England and Scotland were given Children at the Front, at their Baptisme: And I confess, that I did vehemently desire (being seduced by Hereticall factious fellowes, who goe in Sheepes cloathing, but are naught but ravening Wolves) to see the utter ruine and subver- sion of all Church and State-Government (which too many in these times have desired, as the late unhappie differences can testifie) and to be an eye witnesse of the destruction of the Ministerie, who ere not of our faction; all which ungodly wishes (I am confident) have occasioned this horrid judgement to be so hea- vily inflicted upon me: Therefore I desire you (deare friends) as you tender your being here, and your well- being hereafter, if any here amongst us be guiltie of the same sinnes (as I feare they are too generall) to recant in time those dangerous errors, calling to God call to Heaven for vengeance lest this Sceane be con- tinued from me to you, and so to your posteritie, till a length this Nation be pestered with as many Serpents as — But before shee could put a Period to her speech, Death put an Exit to her dayes. Thus ended the Tragedie of this afflicted Woman: I would to God it might (as I hop it may) serve as a meanes to dehort those peo- ple, who, through for the present they labour not with the same Births, (yet too many, I feare, with the same Disease) whose out-sides though they appeare not so horrid to the Eye as this mishapen Monster, I feare their in-sides are hung Round with all sorts of crying sinnes. Let such take this dying Womans counsell into their considerations before it be too late, calling to Heaven for Mercie, before their sinnes call to Heaven for Judgement. F I N I S. Printed at London by E.P. for W. Lee, 1647. Although this pronoun is almost certainly being used in the plural form to refer to the Monster's two heads, it is important to make note of it as a possible instance of referring to one being of disputed gender with a gender neutral pronoun. Interestingly, this is the only time the Monster of the story is referred to using masculine pronouns. "Sylvane Gods" refers to the Roman deity of the woods, Silvanus, dieties who were primarily concerned with nature. Though this deity is not a Christian one, it is noted here as a religious word because of its theological nature, as well as to draw attention to the comparison made between beings of the woods and the Monster described in the text. It is unclear if this play on words is intended, with 'labour' meaning hard or difficult work as well as giving birth, making it a notable part of the text. References to physical features Gendered language or language relating to gender References to religion Language dealing with children or childbirth References to an inidvidual's ethnicity Singlular pronouns