An Exhortation & Caution to Friends Concerning Buying or Keeping of Negroes.
Keith, George
Created as a Text Encoding Project for Literature and Digital Diversity, Northeastern University, Spring 2021
Printed by William Bradford
New York
Transcribed and regularized with in Early English Online
Seeing our Lord Jesus Christ has tasted death for every
man, and given himself a ransom for all, to be testified
in due time, and that his Gospel of peace, liberty and
redemption from sin, bondage and all opression, is freeing
to be preached unto all, without exception, and that Negroes
Blacks and Taunies are a real part of mankind, for whom
Christ has shed his precions blood, and are capable of salvation
as well as White Man; and Christ the Light of the World
has (in measure) enlightened them, and every man that
comes into the World; and that all such who are sincere
Christians and true Believers in Christ Jesus, and Followers of,
him, bear his Image, and are made comformtable unto him in
love, mercy, goodness and compassion, who came not to
destroy mens lives, but to save them, nor to bring any part
yet to detain them, or hold them therein, but to save and deliver
the oppressed and distresed, and bring into liberty both
inward and outward.
Therefore we judge it necessary that all faithful friends
should discover themselves to be true Christians by having the
Fruits of the Spirit of Christ, which are love, mercy, goodness
and compassion towards all in misery, and that further
oppression and sever usage, so far as in them is possible to
ease and relieve them, and let them free of their hard bondage ,
whereby it may be hoped, that many of them will be gained
by their beholding these good workds of sincere Christians, and
prepared thereby, hrough the preaching the Gospel of
Christ, to embracce the true faith of Christ. And for this
cause it is, as we judge, that in some places in Europe Negroes
cannot be bought and sold for money, or detained to be
slaves, because it suits not with the mercy, love, and clemency
that is is essential to Chritianity, nor to the Doctrine of Christ,
nor to the liberty the Gospel called all men unto, to whom
it is preached . And to buy souls and bodies of men for
money, to enslave them and their posterity to the end of the
world, we judge is a great hinderance to the spreading of
the Gospel, and is occasion of much war, violence, cruelty
and oppression, and theft and robbery of the highest nature;
for commonly the Negroes that are sold to White Men, are
either stollen away or robbed from thier kindred, and to buy
such is the way to continue these evil practices of man- stealing,
and transgressing that Golden Rule and Law: To do to
others what we would have others do to us.
Therefore, in true Christian Love, we earnestly recommend
it to all our friends and brethren, not to buy any
Negroes, unless it were on purpose to set them free, and that
such who have bought any, and have them at present, after
some reasonable time of moderate service they have had of
them, or may have of them, that may reasonably answer to
the charge of what they have laid out, especially in keeping
Negroes Children born in thier house, or taken into their
House, when under age, that after a reasonable time of
service to answer that charge, they may set them at libterty,
and during the time that they have them, to teach them to read,
and give them a Christian Education.
Some Reasons and Causes of Our Being Against Keeping of Negroes for Term of Life.
First, because it is contrary to the principle and practice
of the Christian Quakers to buy price or stollen goods, which
we bore a faithful testimony against in our native country;
and therefore it is our duty to come forth in testimony
against stollen slaves, it being account a far greater crime
under Moses's Law than the stealing of goods; for such were
only to restory four fold, but he that stealeth a Man and selleth him,
if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to Death,
Exod. 21. 16. Therefore as we are not to buy stollen goods
(but if at unawares it should happen through ignorance, we
are to restore them to the owners, and seek our remedy of
the thief) no more are we to buy stollen slaves; neither
should such as have them keep them and their posterity in
perpetual bondage and slavery, as is usually done, to the
great scandal of the Christian Profession.
Secondly, because Christ commanded, saying, All things
whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you even so to
them Luke. 6. 31. Therefore as we and our children would not be kept
in perpetual bondage and slavery against our consent,
neither should we keep them in perpetual bondage and
slavery against their consent, it being such intollerable
punishment to thier bodies and minds, that none but notorious
criminal offendors deserve the same. But these have
done us no harm; therefore how inhumane it is in us so
grievously to press them and thier children from one
generation to another.
End of Excerpt.
References for Interpretative Analysis
Language related to Enslavement
Language related to Morality
Language related to Justice
Language related to Wealth
Language related to Class